B40 Group Rider Gas Subsidy Program

The National Consumer Foundation Malaysia Bintulu Branch will be holding two charity events on the following dates, times, and locations:

马来西亚国家消费者基金会民都鲁分会将于以下日期、时间、地点举办两项 慈善活动,细节如下 :

Event 2 : B40 Group Rider Gas Subsidy Program

活动 2 : B40 群摩多骑士汽油津贴活动

Date : 17.03.2023 (Friday)

日期 : 17.03.2023 (星期五)

Time : 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM

时间 : 早上 10 点 – 中午 12.30

Location : Shell Petrol Station, 2.5 Miles, Jalan Sultan Iskandar.

地点 : Shell Petrol Station, 两哩半,Jalan Sultan Iskandar.


Apart from serving as a communication bridge between consumers, businesses, and the government on consumer-related matters, the Bintulu branch is also committed to promoting charity activities to help more B40 communities and contribute to the welfare of society.

本分会成立除了针对民省消费者相关事宜成为消费者、商家与政府三者之间 的沟通桥梁之外,也致力于推广慈善活动,希望能通过各项实际性活动帮助 更多的 B40 族群,为民省社会福利尽一丝绵力。


The B40 Group Rider Gas Subsidy Program, leaded by Mr. Anthony Ling, YPNM Bintulu branch will sponsor 200 subsidies of RM5 per person to B40 group riders, hoping to show support for the B40 community amid the rising cost of living. Eligible riders can fill out the registration form via http://bit.ly/3YIhaDD to receive an e-voucher, which can be redeemed for RM5 gas subsidy at designated petrol stations and times. The program will end when the time is up or when all 200 subsidies are given out. The organizers reserve the right to approve eligible riders.

摩多骑士汽油津贴活动由林道顺为筹备会主席,本会将赞助200份每人RM5 的汽油津贴,希望在百物通膨的环境中为 B40 群体尽一份心意。合格的摩多 骑士可以通过链接 http://bit.ly/3YIhaDD 填写报名表格,主办方将会发送电 子卷作为赞助凭据,合格骑士可以通过该电子卷在指定油站和指定时间内获 得 RM5/骑士的汽油津贴。津贴活动将在指定时间结束或 200 份发津贴送完 毕结束。举办方保留全权核准合格骑士的权力。

Kapitan Dr. Simon Hong, the chairman of the YPNM Bintulu branch, said that the branch will hold similar charity events regularly and actively help those in need, hoping that the events will inspire more people to contribute to charity in Bintulu.

马来西亚国家消费者基金会民都鲁分会主席,甲必丹方友龙博士表示,本会 将定期举办类似的慈善动,积极帮助需要帮助的群体,也希望一系列的活 动能起到抛砖引玉的效果,带动更多的社会有心人士,一起为民都鲁穷苦人 群的慈善出力。


Furthermore, the branch will establish a complaint hotline to allow consumers to report any consumer dispute issues, and the branch will investigate and inform relevant departments if the complaints are true. The branch encourages the public in Bintulu to join and work together to contribute to consumer affairs in Bintulu.



Lastly, the organizers urge all B40 group riders to participate in the gas subsidy program actively. Riders who have not registered through the link can register on the spot at the designated petrol station on the day of the event to receive the subsidy.

最后,呼吁所有 B40 的摩多骑士,积极参与汽油津贴活动,来不及通过链接 报名的骑士可以当天在指定时间到油站当场注册获得津贴。

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