“Back to School” Donation Event

The National Consumer Foundation Malaysia Bintulu Branch will be holding two charity events on the following dates, times, and locations:

马来西亚国家消费者基金会民都鲁分会将于以下日期、时间、地点举办两项 慈善活动,细节如下 :

Event 1 : “Back to School” Donation Event

活动 1 : 新学年回校 物资捐赠活动

Date : 17.03.2023 (Friday)

日期 : 17.03.2023 (星期五)

Time : 8:00 AM

时间 : 早上 8 点

Location : SJK Chung Hua Bintulu

地点 : 民都鲁中华公学


Apart from serving as a communication bridge between consumers, businesses, and the government on consumer-related matters, the Bintulu branch committed to promoting charity activities to help more B40 communities and contribute to the welfare of society.

本分会成立除了针对民省消费者相关事宜成为消费者、商家与政府三者之间 的沟通桥梁之外,也致力于推广慈善活动,希望能通过各项实际性活动帮助 更多的 B40 族群,为民省社会福利尽一丝绵力。


“Back to School” Donation Event leaded by Mr. Eric Ngu as Organizing chairman, YPNM Bintulu Branch will donate 30 sets of student supplies to B40 students at SJK Chung Hua Bintulu, hoping to relieve the economic burden of poor families during the new school term and provide students with better school supplies to improve their academic performance.

新学年回校物资捐赠活动由吴仕康先生为筹备会主席,本会将捐赠 30 份学 生用品于民都鲁中华公学 B40 群体的学生,希望能帮助穷苦家庭舒缓开学的 经济压力,让学生们能拥有更好的学校用品来帮助学习,提升本身成绩。

Kapitan Dr. Simon Hong, the chairman of the YPNM Bintulu branch, said that the branch will hold similar charity events regularly and actively help those in need, hoping that the events will inspire more people to contribute to charity in Bintulu. Furthermore, the branch will establish a complaint hotline to allow consumers to report any consumer dispute issues, and the branch will investigate and inform
relevant departments if the complaints are true. The branch encourages the public in Bintulu to join and work together to contribute to consumer affairs in Bintulu.

马来西亚国家消费者基金会民都鲁分会主席,甲必丹方友龙博士表示,本会 将定期举办类似的慈善动,积极帮助需要帮助的群体,也希望一系列的活 动能起到抛砖引玉的效果,带动更多的社会有心人士,一起为民都鲁穷苦人 群的慈善出力。

Furthermore, the branch will establish a complaint hotline to allow consumers to report any consumer dispute issues, and the branch will investigate and inform relevant departments if the complaints are true. The branch encourages the public in Bintulu to join and work together to contribute to consumer affairs in Bintulu.

同时,本会将成立投诉热线,方便消费者将有关消费纠纷问题反应给我们, 若经过核实投诉事项属实,本会将根据情况将问题反应给相关部门,希望事 件能得到妥善的处理。因此呼吁民省的广大民众,若是有心可以联系并加入 本会,一起为民省的消费者事务做出贡献。

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